Designed by the renowned architect Arata Isozaki, the Horog campus seamlessly integrates into the mountainous landscape. Often referred to as the “roof of the world”, the University of Central Asia’s Horog campus can aptly be dubbed the “campus atop the world”.
Every corner of the campus offers breathtaking mountain views, setting a serene backdrop for focused studies or time spent with fellow students. The library, dormitory, cutting-edge laboratories, modern classrooms, spacious hall, and cafeteria are all harmoniously combined, creating a magnificent campus in a picturesque setting.
All students reside on-campus in our comfortable, contemporary dormitory. Key features of the dormitory include:
Double occupancy sections, with students having private rooms within each section.
Individual amenities available for every section.
Meals provided five times a day.
Keyless entry to both rooms and the dormitory building.